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Shhhhh! 7 Secrets From Professional Window Cleaners

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Professional window cleaners know that getting clean windows is much more than grabbing a bottle of glass cleaner and a roll of paper towels. They know how to get the job done well and, more importantly, how to get it done quickly. No one wants to spend all weekend out there. 1. Newspaper: No matter what you’ve read, no matter what your mom says, newspaper does not work. It just turns into a soggy mess and, like your hands, your windows end up with black newsprint ink on them. Read More»

4 Tips To Help You Avoid Problems When Doing Glass Installation

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It is important to make sure the new glass you have installed is done correctly. This means that there are some things that you will want to do, such as making sure openings are level and square or preparing an opening for new glass installation. There are things like silicon caulking that you will want to have done after the new glass has been installed. Here are some tips to help you avoid problems after the new glass installation: Read More»

3 Reasons To Go With A Glass Shower Enclosure

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If you are currently remodeling your bathroom, one of the key renovations you could be considering is your bathtub or shower. If you are still using just a standard tub with a traditional curtain, it might be time to make a change. Glass shower enclosures can bring multiple benefits to your bathroom each and every time you need to get clean. Easy to Clean If you are tired of having to tear down old shower curtains because mildew has once again reared its ugly head despite your best efforts, glass shower enclosures could be just what you’re looking for. Read More»

How To Know If It's Time To Have Your Windows Replaced

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It is very important to make sure that you are well aware of when it is time for you to consider window glass replacement. This way, you will be able to get the windows replaced by professionals before any problems get too far out of hand. Here are some of the signs that you will want to look out for: There Is Condensation Building Up On The Glass Do not make the mistake of assuming that this is simply something that happens with older windows and that it is not anything that you have to worry about. Read More»